BNBC Becomes a Law: May come up with a Better Skyline of Dhaka in Future

Architects or students in Bangladesh must have seen the red healthy book in library named 'Bangladesh National Building Codes'. This rich standard reference book which was published in 1993 as an obligatory building codes for Bangladesh was neglected for years by the Bangladesh Government. A group of professional architects, engineers, planners and other professionals under the supervision of the National Steering Committee published the BNBC in 1993. But the current caretaker government has showed the honor to the effort of BNBC. And finally BNBC has come into effect with a gazette notification issued on November 15 by the Bangladesh Govt. The Building Construction Act of 1952 provides for punishment with seven years' imprisonment or a fine of Tk 50,000 or both in case of violation of the BNBC and the Building Construction Rules of 2006. A meeting was held chaired by the Public Work Advisor of the Caretaker Government Dhiraj Kumar Nath on 26th November where the top government officials, architects, planners and environmentalists were participated and they showed the benefit of the BNBC as a law there.
From now the BNBC and the
Metropolitan Building Construction Act (by RAJUK, 2006) will be a core responsibility to be obeyed by the architects, designers, planners, engineers and geo-technical engineers and land or project owners.