There are many awards for architecture. But award for ‘Emerging Architecture’ is one, that is the ‘AR Award for Emerging Architecture’ it’s the biggest and the best award for young architects of the globe. It’s prize money is as much as £15 000.
This year the Winners and the highly Commended Entries of 2006 is declared few days ago.
AR award always gives emphasis on the ‘intelligence’ and the ‘innovation’ other than the glamour of architecture among the young architects of the world. This year also some designs which are innovative and committed to doing something real good for the humanity get the awards.
This year the winners are:
Pedestrian bridge, Lake Austin, Texas, USA MIRO RIVERA ARCHITECTSChildren's treatment centre Hokkaido, Japan SOU FUJIMOTO ARCHITECTSHandmade school Rudrapur, Bangladesh ANNA HERINGER, EIKE ROSWAGTo get all the detail information about the declaration and the award
Click Here.
Here we emphasis on the last one… the Handmade school in Rudrapur, Dinajpur, Bagnladesh designed by Anna Heringer.
According to Anna’s lecture in Discourse, while she was doing her post graduation one of the international NGO in Bangladesh called for help to design a low cost but sustainable design for a children’s primary school in Bangladesh. Anna Heringer took the opportunity to do something innovative and intelligent for the poor children of the Rudrapur village in Dinajpur.
Hence there was a tradition of making mud structure in rural Bangladesh, Anna Heringer planned to do something with mud and bamboo and which will be cost efficient, contextual and interesting for the children.
She found out and motivated some local people who works for mud and bamboo construction in the locality. They started working with the plan by Anna. Many curious villagers also came to work with the team just out of interest!
She made up the entire school by only bamboo, mud and straw. There’s a thick wall inside with some small tunnels for children’s playing.
Archsociety is going to publish more information on this project with drawings and photographs soon.Here is a glance of what she made:

Yesterday it was the birthday of a master architect…
Who can say the name? People of architecture community from the Indian subcontinent should have the answer first.
He is the modern master Architect Muzharul Islam. It was his 83rd birthday. Archsociety gives a respectful salute to this living legend on this day.
It was a memorable event arranged by IAB (Institute of Architects Bangladesh) on his 80th birthday. It was held at Bakultala
(বকুলতলা) of the Fine Arts Institute of Dhaka University.

In that event I felt … how much respect a man can get in his lifetime!
Muzharul Islam is respected not just for his architecture. He is a role model of being an ‘enlightened human being’ to many of us. People who know him can understand Muzharul Islam is the idol of politeness. How polite and honest a man can be Muzharul Islam is the example.
His patriotism, political consciousness and political activities make him more enthusiastic in his way of making honest architecture for humanity.
Professor Shamsul Wares once asked him in an interview “What is your advice for the young and future generation of architects?” Muzharul Islam replied:
“The artistic qualities are essence of architecture. The practical aspects of architecture are measurable – such as, the practical requirements, climatic judgments, the advantages and limitations of the site etc. – but the humanistic aspects are not measurable. This depends on the talent, sensitivity and creativity of the architect. Only some bookish knowledge is not a sufficient tool in this regard. One has to be creative. One has to love his own land, its people and its culture and think profoundly about these. The love of ones own land is the eternal source of creative power, which in turn, makes a proper architect.”
To know more about Muzharul Islam’s life and his work visit to
From the September 19th to 22nd ARCASIA conference of architects forum and Student Jamboree held at Beijing in different venues.
Architects forum meetings held generally in the Asia Hotel in the center of Beijing. Main events of Students Jamboree were in the Tsinhua University campus.
This ARCASIA meeting has become the largest gathering of architects and architecture students ever held within the Asian member institutes. And the participation from Bangladesh this time was the largest participation from any country ever.
Although the communication problem with the organizers was a major issue at the beginning of the conference. Communicating in English for the Chinese people is always a big trouble. For this reason different teams from different countries faced some silly misunderstandings and mismanagement at the beginning. But the student volunteers tried heart and should to help everyone. From receiving the students and architects to settle them in their accomodation, taking them to conference venue etc. they did all these things responsibly.
Another trouble was food! CSA (Chinese Society of Architects, organizer of the event) could arrange some international cuisine for the delegates. But they threw everyone to buffet of 100% Chinese foods with chop sticks!
In the friendship night, in cultural event competition Bangladesh and China jointly won first, India, Philippines won second. The president of ARCASIA herself hosted and anchored the friendship night on stage in the Summer Palace of Beijing. That was the most enjoyable part of Beijing ARCASIA Jamboree.
Detail news updates with photos are coming soon