This year the MetropolisMag will be gathering the best and brightest among emerging designers from which the first 'one' will emerge. This time Next Generation® Design Competition a partner is contributing the other "one" - an entire eight-story office building in downtown Los Angeles. The partner is the General Services Administration (GSA), one of the biggest landlords in the world.
Metropolis's 2011 Next Generation® Design Competition GET ZERO passes this challenge directly to the design community-- professionals in practice 10 years or less, as well as students. This year, entrants will work on a specific existing GSA office building, an entirely commonplace 8-story 1960s-era Los Angeles office building that is remarkable only for being typical of hundreds of other GSA mid-century modern buildings, scattered across the 50 states.

Next Generation: GET ZERO asks entrants to design "fixes" that will transform the existing building, bringing it to the highest possible level of performance in a memorable, beautiful, and original way. Entrants may be teams working together to transform the entire building (and its surroundings), or individuals or small groups tackling one or two individual systems and elements (facade, roof, fenestration, interior furnishings and equipment, signage and way-finding, among many other details). The entries must also focus on making the building safe, accessible, and efficient for the people who work there and the thousands of citizens who visit it. Every design specialist-at every scale of design-has something important to contribute.
Prize: 10,000 USD
Submission Deadline: January 31st, 2011
For more details visit the
Competition Website.