"Better City, Better Life" | 2010 World Habitat Day

on Friday 01 October 2010 - 16:08:15 | by admin
World Habitat Day 2010 logo The United Nations has been designated the first Monday of October as the World Habitat Day and it has been observed since last couple of years to help, support and advocate for the people around the world those who are struggling to have a decent place to live. This year the World Habitat Day is going to be observed on the 4th October.

The urban situation of cities around the world are rapidly changing in such a way that it is already becoming one of the biggest problems to talk about and take care of. Since all the major social and economic activities are more of urbanized, it is obvious that the betterment of the whole living condition lies in the health and success of the cities.
here are some quick information to realize the situation of urban growth and habitation around the world:
Every week, more than a million people are born in, or move to, cities in the developing world. As a result, the urban population of developing countries will double from 2 billion to 4 billion in the next 30 years. (Kissick, et al: 2006)
By the year 2030, an additional 3 billion people, about 40 percent of the world’s population, will need access to housing. This translates into a demand for 96,150 new affordable units every day and 4,000 every hour. (UN-HABITAT: 2005)

Habitat for Humanity hopes that by raising awareness and advocating for universal decent housing we can dismantle and alter the systems that allow for poverty housing and make an affordable, decent place to live a reality for all.

UN's timely chosen theme of the year 'Better City, Better Life' will reflect on the World Habitat Day in the host city Shanghai and the rest of the world.

Anyone can get involved in the activities and movements of World Habitat Day by advocating for the cause by helping signing petitions, by helping in fund raising for the cause and by educating others to raise the awarness.
For more details and ways to get involved please visit
World Habitat Day 2010 Website
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