Documentary film launched on Arc. Mazharul Islam

on Sunday 14 August 2005 - 06:58:14 | by admin

The poster:

poster of the event of the launching ceremony of a documentary film on Arc. Mazharul Islam

Institute of Architects, Bangladesh produced a documentary film on Arc. Mazharul Islam, the pioneer of modern architecture in Bangladesh. That 45 min. film has been directed by another member of IAB Arc. Enamul Korim Nirjhar.
Proff. Abdullah Abu Sayeed, Quaiyum Choudhury and a large crowd from the architecture community of Bangladesh were present on the event. It was a very live event hosted by Progya Labonee. Abdullah Abu Sayeed, Quiyum Choudhury, Arc. Mobassher Hosain (Chairman IAB), Arc. Enamul Karim Nirjhar and Arc. Sanul Haque (IAB) gave their valuable speech on the event.

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